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Impact Conversations is a show about change makers getting things done. 

Sally Fazal and Lynn Fergusson of Social Impact Advisors talk to NGO leaders, philanthropists, social entrepreneurs and environmental innovators about their goals and how they're reaching them.

Feb 17, 2022

We’re focused in this conversation on a collective approach being taken in Halton to support young people as they transition from the care of CAS, at age 18-24. Halton Region identified this as a priority area, creating a Community Safety and Wellbeing table, and it truly is a community effort.

With the Oakville...

Feb 3, 2022

In this episode, Sonia Theroux, the Executive Director of Leadnow speaks with Sally about what progressivism means, the movement, and how activists and change makers can think about and stay hopeful about the moment we are in. 


Sonia is a campaigns and communications specialist, passionate about organizing...